
contact details, Rocky Mountains, ice-hockey..

I thought that maybe I should start writing this blog in English, so here I go! I hope you can get the point and understand what I’m saying! :) I’m sure I’ll be afraid about speaking English at the beginning of my year in Canada, so now I have some time to practice and encourage myself! But now, I really had something more important to say than just prattle about my English.
Last weekend I finally got my host family's contact details and I should write to them but I’ve been a bit busy during the last exam week so I should shape up now and find the time for that! I’m looking forward to meet my host family so much, I really can’t wait it! I’m sure my year in BC is going to be THE BEST YEAR SO FAR!
My host family has a HUGE house and I’ll get own room with private bathroom! The house is also near lakes and beaches. The family enjoys skiing, golfing, hiking and OF COURSE HOCKEY! I think that I have to cheer the Canada’s ice-hockey team in world championships 2013! I’ve heard that the Canadians are even more hockey fanatics than the Finnish! So they need to be EXTRA enthusiastic about that! :)
I’ve played volleyball several years so I hope I can continue playing it there and also try lots of new sports, like lacrosse, field hockey and rugby. And maybe I get to snowboarding and hiking in Rocky Mountains!
First year in upper secondary school has gone so fast though I think that the next year is going even faster.  I’ve never been Canada so it’s pretty exciting!  :)
Luckily I have last exam tomorrow and then my summer holiday starts though it really doesn’t feel like summer ‘cause it’s so cold, only about ten degrees.. :( I hope warm days will be here soon.
It’s so hard to believe that soon I’ll be in Canada! And haha, mum is going to miss me so much while I’m abroad. :) The only problem is that my suitcase isn’t big enough.. Maybe, or rather certainly mum has to send some or lots of clothes afterwards, when I’ve already left.
I still should do some things before leaving. Things like get a visa and a new credit card and book time for the dentist.. The list goes on and on! But it doesn’t matter as long as I remember for what I’m doing all those things. :)

Summer vacation is the time 
when parents realize that 
teachers are grossly underpaid